S. Holmes Sdlg SD18 (Parents Unknown) Tetraploid Semi Evergreen Mid 9", 16 buds, x 42" H, x 3 Way Branching. Wingspan 10.5 Inches

ROAD TRIP COMPANIONS is dark red violet with a large green throat. In our garden the dark color has maintained no matter the weather. Heat, rain, and wind seem to have little or no effect so we have enjoyed ROAD TRIP COMPANIONS as much at the end of the day as in the morning. The parentage was lost on many of the daylilies from the D seedling field, when the landscape fabric blew lose and took the markers with it. Because ROAD TRIP COMPANIONS was so dark that it was impossible to miss in the seedling field so it was among the first group to get a seedling number.
In 2014 Saundra Dunn, Ed Kraus, Mike and I drive to Ashville for the AHS National Convention. We all laughed so much that it only seemed right to name a daylily for the trip. Saundra suggested ROAD TRIP COMPANSIONS and the rest is history. I hope you enjoy this daylily as much as I enjoyed the trip.

Difficult Pod/ Pollen Fertile

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