Heaven's Green Latern


M.Holmes. Sdlg R2111 #3, (GREEN ICON x SALLY SUE'S PSEUDOMONAS) Dip, Dormant, uf, 28 H, 3 way, 15+ buds

Ever since the release of Emerald Starburst, I have loved the greens in daylilies. And with the genetics available today, the "GREENS" are now easy to breed. I'll also be the first to admit green daylilies have now been introduced in excess and I have reluctantly thrown away many look a likes. HEAVEN'S GREEN LANTERN was selected as the greenest of several hundred crosses. It has been tested in the North and South and performed well in each location. HEAVEN'S GREEN LANTERN is a mixture in Genetics of George Doorakian daylilies. And I give George thanks for his work and vision in Green Daylily Hybridizing.Limited S.F.

Pod/ Pollen Fertile

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