S.Holmes Sdlg G-1255
((Imperial Wizard Seedling X Bali Watercolor) X Impressionist Sky)) X (Moldovan Seedling S598-04 = (Queensbury Rules Seedling)
Semi Dor., Tetraploid Mid, 6.75", 16 buds, 38 H, 4 Way Branching
CLOUDY DAY is dusty rose pink with a paler watermark and edge, along with clear green throat. The watermark and petals have some veining. The watermark color is present within the veining on the edge of the petals. This daylily is a very easy pod setter. The larger flowers that make up its genetics have continues to tempt me to use it in the hope of getting a big UF with CLOUDY DAY'S pretty face.
Easy Pod/ Pollen Fertile