S.Holmes. Sdlg M824-2 Red-wing Blackbird X (Cool Reflection X (Might Highty Tidy Seedling & Ivory Angel Wings Seedling)) Mid, Dormant, Tetraploid, 7.5", 20 buds, 37" H, 4 Way Branching

LENNOX'S WHIRLIGIG is a large open faced daylily of lavender with pink tones. The way it opens reminds me of a child's whirligig. The petals and sepal roll back slightly, but not enough for me to call it an unusual form. The green throat becomes more yellow as it blends into the petal color. This makes a very nice clump in the garden. The scapes remain far enough apart to allow the flowers to be clearly viewed. Lennox is our youngest granddaughter who can entertain herself with any toy she finds interesting. At almost three, she isn't much of a gardener yet, but we have high hopes she will be once she gets over her fear of the tractor.

Pod/ Pollen Fertile

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