The large chartreuse throat Of CLIFTON GORGE blends into a creamy watermark that becomes rosy raspberry self. On a hot day the color will be paler in the evening. The sepal gently cascade but the petal form varies from pinched to slightly cascade depending on the temperature. CLIFTON GORGE improves the form of Cameroon Twister and has picked up its height from Webster’s seedling TRS3.
"Any hikers who have visited Yellow Springs, OH area know Clifton Gorge well. This 268-acre preserve protects one of the most spectacular dolomite and limestone gorges in the state. Registered as a National Natural Landmark in 1968, Clifton Gorge encompasses a 2-mile stretch of the Little Miami State and National Scenic River, just east of John Bryan State Park. Geologically, it is an outstanding example of interglacial and post-glacial canyon cutting. This is one of the most spectacular sites in the state for viewing spring wildflowers including the rare snow trillium. " The preceding quoted text from John Bryan website. Like it namesake, Clifton Gorge has a meandering form and tall scapes that remind me of the tall vertical walls of the gorge.
Fertile both ways.
Click on seedling below out of CLIFTON GORGE to enlarge