S.Holmes Sdlg R1414 LAST (Lady Vicki X M595) Mid, Semi, Tetraploid, 6", 14 buds, 32" H, 3 Way Branching

CHASING RAELIN takes purple and lavender to a whole new realm. The burgundy purple in the sepals of this reverse bitone is duplicated in the patterned band which blends into veining and ends in a green throat. The base color of the petals and the edge of the sepals is pale smoky purple. The face of the flower is open, but the sepals twist so much that they are sometimes almost hidden. I first appreciated this color in Steve Moldovan's smoky purple, Teddy Bears Picnic. This daylily makes a striking clump. It's rather limited so don't delay. For you who might be interest, Raelin is my three year old granddaughter.

Pod/ Pollen Fertile

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