Welcome to Riverbend Daylily Garden "Specializing in the Unique"
We appreciate your interest in our garden.
And thank you to all the garden judges who selected I Lava You !
"I LAVA YOU", the 2020 Stout Medal
Award Of Merit Daylilies
You can view our past daylily introductions in the Online Catalog or by clicking the individual introduction year.
Overall, with your help, we've raised and donated over $7,654.00 from specially earmarked daylilies to fight cancer. So we are continuing to raise money again for 2023. Our 2023 daylily, BECKY DUFFY, will be sold with all proceeds donated to raise more money for the Cancer fight.
Our Garden is open by appointment. Please call or enail Sandy.
We are located outside Xenia, Oh. Zone 6.
Thank you,
Mike and Sandy Holmes, ADS members
e-mail Sandy at- ohiodaylily@yahoo.com Phone Sandy at 937-287-8122