Sorcerer's Masquerade Cold


Sandy Holmes Sdlg B1336 ((Frankie's Fantasy X Purple Suspenders) X Baughston Hornswaggler)
Dormant Tetraploid Mid. 8" 40"H. 16 Bud Count, 4 Way Branching

SORCERER'S MASQUERADE got its name because it shows several different looks depending on the temperature and time of day.  The dark purple with faint eye and some veining from the clear green throat is the most common look.  On cooler days the daylily lays flatter and is more of a reverse bitone with of grey purple with dark purple eye and sepals.  You will never know what color or form to expect with this daylily, but its tall graceful scapes will have the flower at a height for easy enjoyment.

Fertile both ways, but can be a reluctant pod.
