Lunar Moth


Sandy Holmes Sdlg 3-1163. (See Me Feel Me Touch Me X Tet. Heavenly Angel Ice) Dormant Tetraploid Mid, 7.5". 14 buds, 28" H. 3 way branching

Since LUNAR MOTH's first appearance, I marked it as a keeper. As a bonus, the genetics of Tet. Heavenly Angel Ice as a parent, made it an easy choice. We have used LUNAR MOTH as a parent for near whites and to lighten colors since its first appeared. I've included two pictures of the flower. The blooms have always been near white with a clear green throat, but after LUNAR MOTH was moved to the line out bed the color became more very pale cream so the soil must really impact the color of this daylily. Some of its kids are shown on our hybridizing blog under Sandy's seedlings.

Fertile Both Ways

