(Holmes M. 2011) TET b-232 (Mister Lucky X Tet. Christmas Is)(Tet. Dark Mosaic x seedling) SemiEv. 24" 5" 20+ buds 4 way branching

At twenty four inches in height, BURGUNDY EYE SHADOW makes a wonderful border daylily. As with most of our introductions, BURGUNDY EYE SHADOW is sun fast. Another quality I like about this daylily is that it is somewhat draught tolerant. It was grown in a sunbaked area where there was little watering but to this daylilies credit, the blooms always looked consistently good. So I would consider it to be low maintenance daylily. Another interesting note is Tet. Dark Mosaic is in the background so pattern breeding is in the genetics.

Fertile both ways.

